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Sangdest Microelectronics Co., Ltd.

101 Sunnyside Boulevard
NY 11803, USA

  Sangdest Microelectronic (Nanjing) Co., Ltd (SMC) was founded in 1997. SMC's headquarters is located in Plainview, New York. SMC's products (formerly sold under the Sensitron Semiconductor brand name) are sold for a variety of applications in the commercial market including LCD displays, telecom equipment, power supplies, industrial and aircraft industries which have demanding reliability and quality requirements. SMC manufactures and designs their products are widely accepted in both domestic and international markets. SMC follows rigorous qualification standards from large aerospace, communication, and consumer electronics suppliers that are known world-wide for both their superior products and within the industry for their exceptionally demanding supplier qualification teams. SMC is certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.

SMC Diodes supplies: TVS Diodes, Schottky Rectifier Diodes, Zener Diodes, TVS Arrays, Bridge Rectifier Diodes, Small Signal Switching Diodes, Ultra Fast Recovery Rectifier Diodes, Fast Recovery Rectifier Diodes, Standard Rectifiers