Quarzfinder - Real-Time-Clocks

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RTC Real Time Clock - Ceramic SMD
ImagePackageOutput TypeVoltage FeaturesFrequencyManufacturers
5.0 x 3.2mm SPI-Bus (4-wire-serial) 1.3~5.5 V Highest Precision 32.768 kHz
5.0 x 3.2mm SPI-Bus (4-wire-serial) 1.1~5.5 V Ultra Low Power 32.768 kHz
5.0 x 3.2mm I²C-Bus 1.2~5.5 V 32.768 kHz
5.0 x 3.2mm I²C-Bus 1.3~5.5 V Highest Precision 32.768 kHz
3.7 x 2.5mm SPI-Bus (4-wire-serial) 1.3~5.5 V Highest Precision 32.768 kHz
3.7 x 2.5mm I²C-Bus 1.2~5.5 V Small Package 32.768 kHz
3.7 x 2.5mm I²C-Bus 1.3~5.5 V Highest Precision 32.768 kHz
3.7 x 2.5mm I²C-Bus 1.2~5.5 V Ultra Low Power 32.768 kHz
3.7 x 2.5mm I²C-Bus 1.5~3.6 V X-Treme Low Power - High Precision - Small Package 32.768 kHz
3.7 x 2.5mm I²C-Bus 1.3~5.5 V Highest Precision - Small Package 32.768 kHz
3.7 x 2.5mm SPI-Bus (4-wire-serial) 1.3~5.5 V Highest Precision - Small Package 32.768 kHz
3.2 x 1.5mm SPI-Bus (4-wire-serial) 0.9~5.5 V Smallest Package - Low Power 32.768 kHz
3.2 x 1.5mm I²C-Bus 1.2~5.5 V Highest Precision - Smallest Package - Lowest Power 32.768 kHz
3.2 x 1.5mm I²C-Bus 1.1~5.5 V X-Treme Low Power - High Precision - Smallest Package 32.768 kHz
3.2 x 1.5mm I²C-Bus 1.1~5.5 V X-Treme Low Power - Medical Implantable (Class III) 32.768 kHz
3.2 x 1.5mm I²C-Bus 1.0~4.4 V Smallest Package 32.768 kHz
3.2 x 1.5mm I²C-Bus 0.9~5.5 V Smallest Package - Low Power 32.768 kHz
3.2 x 1.5mm I²C-Bus 1.5~5.5 V Highest Precision - Smallest Package - Lowest Power 32.768 kHz